Mead Academy Trust

Our Impact

In January 2023, we launched an ambitious five-year strategy to enhance and extend our partnership so that by 2027 we reach 500,000 pupils each year. This will help us intensify our impact and meet our collective aims:

We are proud that pupils eligible for Free School Meals in our schools continue to outperform their peers nationally.

Our pioneering SEND Peer Review is improving provision for students with special educational needs

In 2023/24 we trained a further 807 school leaders in our unique peer evaluation methodology.

They join the more than 6000 senior teachers using these skills to both lead improvement in their own schools, and catalyse improvement in other schools through participation in our Quality Assurance Reviews

The report outlines how we've harnessed the collective wisdom of our partnership to engage with policymakers and contribute to shaping the future of education.

However, the children cannot wait, and we have continued to support our schools and trusts to be at the forefront of addressing critical issues like attendance, engagement, and improving SEND provision

We're proud of the feedback we've received from partners across our networks and programmes throughout 2023/24:

QAR stats
Kestrel Mead

Disadvantaged 11 year olds in Challenge Partners schools are working above the
expected standard in reading, writing and maths. Additionally, disadvantaged pupils in Challenge Partners secondary schools are ahead of the national average for attainment and progress:
