Our People
Central Team
Led by Chief Executive Dr Kate Chhatwal OBE, Executive Director Dame Sue John and Managing Director Laura Lewis-Williams, our Central Team members have a wide variety of backgrounds and experience. All are committed to our goal of reducing educational inequality and improving the life chances of children.
Honorary President
Sir Jon Coles, long-standing CEO of United Learning, was Challenge Partners' Founding Chair of Trustees and led the Board and Challenge Partners through a successful first decade. In September 2021, he handed the Chair of Trustees baton to Chris Davison and was appointed Honorary President.
Board of Trustees
Our Leadership Team and Senior Partners are accountable to our Board of Trustees. They ensure that Challenge Partners continues to work towards our aims and that the charity remains financially and legally compliant. The board meets regularly and is chaired by Chris Davison.
Education Advisory Group
The Education Advisory Group (EAG) is a group of school and trust leaders in our partnership, who support and challenge us to inform our development. This group meets regularly and our trustee Vijita Patel attends as an observer to provide an important link between the EAG and our Board of Trustees.
When brilliant and passionate people come together, real change can happen
Candice Lott, Challenge Partners trustee
Our Supporters and Partners