Kestrel Mead

Trust Leaders' Network

A catalyst for the development of your trust and leaders.

Gain powerful insights for your trust leadership team from a carefully-crafted programme of trust visits and webinars, each focusing on a different aspect of trust development or practice. 

Orchard Mead

What is the TL Network ?

This expertly facilitated space allows you to share best practice with peers across the country and connect with leading thinkers and business experts. 

How does it work?

Trust leaders benefit from this practitioner-led safe space to connect and network, while gaining deep insight into effective approaches to trust development. With a focus on honest, purposeful exchanges, it creates the perfect environment to share challenges, insights, and solutions that truly resonate with your trust.

The Trust Leaders’ Network connects trusts and leaders at all stages of maturity, ensuring you can learn from those at a similar stage or steps ahead.

Visit up to four trusts across the year, each carefully selected to present a different aspect of effective practice or trust development.

Each visit is expertly facilitated by recently-retired CEOs of successful trusts, and designed for optimal learning and collaboration among peers who share our ethos of hard-edged collaboration to support mutual improvement. 

Your trust leaders will also benefit from a series of webinars to explore best practice and connect with leading thinkers and business experts.

We know effective trust leadership is a team effort, so you are welcome to bring different members of your trust team to trust visits and webinars to ensure the right insights and strategies reach those who can put them into action.

CEOs and DCEOs in the network can also strengthen their leadership and personal impact on a personally and professionally nourishing two-day residential. 

The TLN’s spiral curriculum explores recurring and evolving themes from different perspectives, while allowing space to tackle urgent and novel challenges. Themes include:

  • Growth 
  • Developing and sustaining a one-trust culture
  • Building and scaling an effective model for central operations and school improvement 
  • Balancing alignment, autonomy and innovation
  • Effective governance
  • Growing your people
  • Maximising the trust dividend

The Trust Leaders’ Network enables you to: 


Gather actionable insights by attending a programme of purposefully-planned, expertly-facilitated visits to trusts across the country 


Train up to two leaders in our pioneering Trust Peer Review methodology and join our pool of reviewers to go out and conduct TPRs 


Connect with outside experts and business leaders through our webinar programme 

Gain inspiration

Gain inspiration and influence policy and practice  at our annual Trust Leaders’ Conference 


Nourish yourself and enhance your leadership impact at our revitalising Trust Leaders’ Residential


Contribute to sector improvement as part of Challenge Partners’ national Network of Excellence, made up of over 540 schools and 137 trusts


of respondents taking part in a trust visit learned something that they’d be taking back to their own trust

Kestrel Mead


of respondents taking part in a business webinar learned something they’d be taking back to their own trust

David Coaché, Executive Headteacher of Bengeworth Multi Academy Trust

Sharon Burt, CEO of Solent Academies Trust

Curious to find out more?