Quality Assurance Review
Our flagship programme for Full Partners is a three-day, rigorous peer evaluation of teaching and learning, curriculum and outcomes, and leadership at all levels. It has a sharp focus on the experience of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds or with additional needs
Who takes part in a Quality Assurance Review?
Led by an expert lead reviewer, reviews are conducted by a team of headteachers and senior leaders from Full Partner schools within the Challenge Partners network. A collaborative process, all review activities are joint and all outputs are agreed with the school - ‘one team, two parts’.
Each school hosts an annual review, and reciprocates by sending their senior leaders to review other schools in the network, providing continuous professional development for all leaders involved.
Key benefits
An annual audit of school improvement as part of your evaluation cycle
Honest and insightful scrutiny, and challenge for the coming year
Unique leadership development opportunity gained by hosting and visiting a review
A review report to highlight strengths, areas for development and next steps
Optional accreditation of Areas of Excellence to share with the network
Our review team worked extremely well together and the host school were very welcoming and open. It felt like a genuinely collaborative experience. It gave me excellent professional development and hopefully provided the school with genuinely empowering insights
Emma Taplin, reviewer at Elstree Screen Arts Academy, Hertfordshire
I thoroughly enjoyed the review process. It was the best CPD I have ever had. The experience from start to finish was rigorous and challenging and it developed my leadership skills in many ways, such as: data analysis, challenging conversations, formal observations and leadership of Pupil Premium/SEND
Jasmine French, reviewer at Edenthorpe Hall Primary, Doncaster